Spin getting strung along in your favor

Being strung along doesn’t have to be all pain and suffering, actually it can be pretty humorous and you maybe can even pull a casual relationship out of it (fuckbuddy). BUT I’m not going to get into that I want to show men out there how to spin it and make the girl want more out of you than just your attention and hopefully land you in a stable relationship.

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The Push Pull Technique

A push pull technique is basically a cheap sales maneuver changed up a little bit to use in the art of seduction. When a salesman does a push pull technique on you they basically take away what you want. For the sole purpose of you wanting it even more. The same can be applied with picking up women by taking away what they’re interested in, they will want it more.

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Get out of the Friendzone

isn’t it weird, when she’s with you everything seems so RIGHT. That’s definitely a good thing you guys talk all the time about anything and your the best of FRIENDS. But yet there’s a tingle in you, down in your gut telling you that there might be more there underneath all that “friendship” something worth trying for.. After all this is your best friend it would be so right for you two to be together. You have the same interest you do the same things talk about chemistry right? Only one thing is stopping you, your just her friend but IS THAT REALLY how she sees it. INSIDE

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Motivational : I just can’t

The word can’t is a weak word, when somebody says keys.. I can’t. That’s them admitting defeat in everyway letting there own mind control the outcome of things they’ve never even tried. When you can’t do something it means you can’t accept who you are. It means your trying to find a reason for your failures. Well I can’t because I’m to skinny, because I’m to ugly, because I’m to this because I’m to that. Because because because.

Stop denying who you are! You can’t change the world you can only hope people accept you for who you are, and it starts with YOURSELF. Once you become comfortable in your own skin can’t will no longer be a word used in your vocabulary. And any girl or anything you set your eyes on will be yours.

Five Signs your being strung along

You know it happens, it happens to the best of us actually. We believe so whole heartedly that the girl we’ve been after for weeks or months even will eventually come around. You’ve tried the open communication and you don’t get any really definitive answer “we’re just friends” so you’re left in the breeze wafting around wondering what the hell is going on! Well my friend you’re getting strung a long. Just a backup in her scheme of things. While you’re important to her you serve mostly as a back up plan or maybe even an ego boost. There’s a lot of reasons why a woman leads a man on, but that’s neither here nor there.. when getting led on the thing is to jump ship. How do you know? Here’s how.

1. She finds you attractive admits it, yet will not escalate with you
She finds you attractive, will kino you and generally be very provocative around you. Why? because she’s sexually attracted to you. And yet for some reason will not let things escalate into sex OR maybe something more serious. The reason this is, because if she has sex with you or turns whatever you two have into a relationship she looses her trump card. She will no longer have her play toy to string a long and she could be subject to losing you and everything you came with. basically if her star pitcher gets injured and she doesn’t have a back up the game is over.

2. Will follow through with certain plans, but not all
A girl that is blatantly blowing you off each and every time has ZERO interest in you. However a girl that follows through with SOME plans. these girls are giving you JUST ENOUGH attention for you to stay interested.

3. Has a boyfriend/Fuck buddy that she doesn’t care about but will not leave for you.
Its simple really. The reasons she has this boyfriend OR a fuck buddy she doesn’t care about is because she’s meeting her sexual need while you are meeting her emotional needs. I would gauge emotional is more important but you may not see it that way. Still she does this because she has all her bases covered but will continue to talk shit on the person she’s banging to you because she’s keeping you interested with the unspoken thought.

“oh well she talks so much shit about him, she’s bound to leave him for me eventually”

Get over yourself buddy, it ain’t happening and if it does, its not because of you.

4. Won’t let you kiss her, but yet will tell you that its ok if it were to happen
Conflicting messages and mixed signals are the norm when it comes to being led on. you don’t know what to think and therefore cannot come to a conclusion. So you drive on hoping that maybe it’ll be some accident of passion.

5. No matter what she says, or does she still refuses to start a relationship with you
Its all good news, everything she tells you leads to only one answer. “this girl is into me!” Well if she was into you, why are you not together? Listen judge a woman by her ACTIONS not her words. Talk is cheap they say and when it comes to love and relationships that phrase is golden! Her ACTIONS will tell you the truth where her words are lying to you.

Its sad to see a man put all his eggs into one basket, and when a man lets himself be led on its because he doesn’t have any other baskets to put his eggs into. The key to avoid being led on is by having other options in your life. If your not seriously dating somebody you should have other women you can actively talk to and enjoy the company with. Without that, its like driving down a one lane road to a destination you have no idea where its leading. Only in disappointment to turn around and drive back down it.

Let me tell you the trip back is more painful that the trip to. So if you being led on DROP THE BITCH and MOVE ON. Only this time talk to more than one female.

How to cope with a breakup

They say love is a battlefield that nothing can compare. Whole civilizations were destroyed forgotten in the endless sands of time because of love. And you know what? your right in the middle of it broken hearted and downtrodden by the “love of your life” that just ditched you. And you got no place else to turn. Get over yourself and Get inside.

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Supplicating bitter men at there best

To my readers who keep coming back obviously what you read here is quality golden advice. I’ve had 4 years in the field of psychology and tons upon tons of experiences with women does that make me a whore. NO. Does that make me an expert NO. I prefer to call myself a student in the ever learning field of seduction. However I do like to read what other aspiring PUA’s, RAFC’s and Players alike with the brain capacity to create a website/blog have to say. And let me tell you sites like this


Are about as useless as they come. (look at the site name!!) They harp on why a guy should be an asshole why you should just bang hot chicks, and handful of other pointless and useless topics that fill you with bitterness and petty hate towards women. Let me just say its not the women’s fault your getting dumped and or cheated on. Its within yourself that the problem lies. Its your supplicating nature, your neediness your INSECURITY that drives women away. Don’t listen to the “man”! But do understand girls don’t like nice guys (they trample all over them!) But they also don’t like assholes. (they don’t respect them) And they can both be found in the back of the club with a sign above their head that says “single” and “no game”

To learn about seduction is to find within yourself a median between fear and confidence. Your own happiness is the only thing that counts. never forget these things. I suggest reading

The difference between nice guys and assholes