5 Signs she’s into you

We covered what she does when she’s not into you, now were going to cover what she does if she does take an interest to you. INSIDE

1. She laughs at your jokes
2. She initiates kino with you : It can be a touch on the arm when she laughs
3. She’s more inclined to pay for small things : ex. she’ll buy your drink at the checkout
4. You guys have lots of inside jokes
5. When she talks.. she talks about things you two should do together
: We should totally go here!

Its funny, the game can be so hard to play and yet when a girl takes an interest to you it seems like a gimme. However a man must understand that while a girl is showing interest in him. If he becomes needy/clingy and supplicating then she will lose interest quickly

The guy to raise and keep interest level is to keep meets at a low frequency. Don’t see her everyday and when you call, keep it short and sweet. Number five on the list is also a gimme that she’s interested in you because why would somebody that had no romantic interest refer to you and her as “we” or “us” also it shows she genuinely wants to be in your company. So whatever you doing.. keep it up just remember to hold indifference dear to your heart and until its serious talk to and enjoy the company of other women.

2 thoughts on “5 Signs she’s into you

  1. chris says:

    thers this girl at school she stares at me in class and has started conversation do u think i should go for it and ask her out and what should i say?

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