Situational Opener : Quick tip

This is a quick tip by keys. Its called the situational opener. INSIDE

These openers rely on a quick and confident approach most of the time consisting of you walking up to the target and asking them, while focused on their eyes.

Hey can I stop you for a second?

90% of the time you’ll get a yes especially if you asked in a confident manner. When they do stop you need to open them up with a story, something interesting. Make it believable though and somewhat cocky and funny at the same time. A good opener I use is a story about me and a couple friends drinking. here it goes.

Me: Hey can I stop you for a second?
Her: Yeah sure
Me: Cool, hey I was just really pissed off and I wanted to vent on the first person I saw.. you believe me and my friends went out last night, and we’re a little drunk. So we called a taxi and when he got there we told him where to go. you believe it? the car broke down before we even got there and the dude insisted we pay for the ride!
Her: SERIOUSLY?! (look for these type of responses.. she’s taken interest to your story and you in a way.. escalate when you get this IOI)

Me: Yeah.. it was crazy.. we didn’t pay him but it was a long walk to the bar needless to say which sucked because my one friends was falling over and bumping into random people. I mean how would you feel if some drunk dude that can barley stand bump into you? (noticed how I bring the target into the conversation.. from this point if she inputs anything further the sarge is complete)
Her: haha I would be pissed! (she’s in now.. verbally adding to the conversation CHA ching!)
Me: haha no doubt.. so what’s your name?
Her: (name)
Me: Well hey I gotta get going, you seem like a fun chick, why don’t I get your number and we can swap stories sometime.
Her: I dunno..
Me: Hey, you just listened to one of my stupid stories.. so I gotta return the favor and listen to one of yours no matter how stupid (neg hit)
Her: OK xxx-xxx-xxxx

That’s all folks.

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