The cost of victory – Quick tip

So you’ve read what’s been written here but feel that there’s others that can teach you more. I can honestly tell you, yes there are people that can teach you more with better openers and smoother seduction techniques. But let me add these things come at steep cost the average training session with a proven and smooth pick up artist (PUA) can run you upwards to 1900.00 to 3000.00 for just a few days with in field assistance.

While these methods are better suited for people that need to have their hand held and forced into the field how much of it that sticks is up to you. These however are proven methods to get losers into men and have been shown to dramatically improve one’s sense of self image and lifestyle!

But how much are you willing to spend? The cost of self motivation which is FREE or the cost of ASSISTED motivation which can cost in the thousands.. You make the choice. However if you make the choice to pay for the services that you can teach yourself, visit

Can’t approach women? – SOLVED Part 1

So I talk about how to approach women but what about those who can’t even overcome their dread of rejection. Built into your brain is a fight or flight mechanism it’s ruled by fear and anxiety. When you see an attractive woman you want to approach her but you fear the possible rejection and the embarrassment and ego damage it would do. So how do you even start to get over your fear of approaching to apply what you read here? Here’s part ONE in a FOUR part series that I will be posting over time.

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Use the Bartender To increase your social status

Social Status is life’s form of a cheat code that one would use in a game like (killzone 2). Basically social status in a nutshell is using your attractive friends which are women for the most part to attract other women to you. The theory is simple but what if you don’t have any attractive female friends to hang out with? Or worse what happens if you don’t have ANY female friends to hang out with. No worries let me teach you a sneaky way to make you seem more desirable.

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Let me disillusion you

Let me disillusion to some things. While reading this blog you will encounter

Helpful advice for ALMOST any situation
Good openers/Closers
Other people just like yourself that feel the need to voice their thoughts

But one thing you WILL NOT find is how to get over your self induced fear of approaching women. The only person who can get rid of the anxiety and the fear of just walking up to female and talking to her is yourself. No book, No tape and No person can help you with that. It Comes from within, it comes from WANTING, NEEDING AND FEELING a need for change. Wanting more for yourself. If you can’t summon up that much for even yourself.. Then what you seek you will NEVER find here.


How to Approach a group of women

a lot of men find approaching a group of girls difficult. and just not worth the work here’s a news flash its not. First you gotta make eye contact with one or all of the girls from a distance to see if any of them would be interested in you. you spot the one you want, she’s spotted you the eye contact has been made now your sipping your beer wondering how exactly your gonna pull this off.. she’s an 8 her friends are also 8’s or better and your mind is doing tricks to psych you out. Slow down i’m here to help.

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The Machine is Online

The Machine which has taken quite a break from the whole blogging scene (almost 2 years) is back to give some helpful advice to ailing men worldwide. The reason for the hiatus was because the site was becoming grounds in which men congregated instead of utilized. The mission I have is simple, give helpful tips to men in distress and in need of a guide to get them the girl of their dreams and nothing more. This is not a social site by any means and should not be treated as such. Come here to learn to bounce ideas off one another through comments and suggestions and then never to come back because your screwing some amazing girl you landed at the bar with a little help from something you read off the internet. I will continue regularly posting updates for those who come here to read.

For those who are here now and have never been here before. You’re here because of one thing, we don’t need to tell you. You already know. Now learn something